Raised Scents
Scrape Addict
Scrape Addict
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States
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Scrape Addict is a mock scrape lure with a perfect blend of 5 different glands from bucks and does combined with a very small amount of deer urine. This lure will attract both bucks and does. Scrape Addict will keep the scrape fresh for dominant bucks curious of the intruder and hot does looking for a mate. Scrape Addict is best used to start new scrapes any time of the year. We also use Scrape Addict when we are tying to freshen scrapes up to make it seem like there has been more than one deer on the scrape.
- Attracts both bucks and does.
- Great for trail camera locations.
- Comes in spray or paste.
Why pick spray: Sprays are designed to break the scent into a mist form, giving your deer the most effective way to locate the scent.
Why Pick Paste: Pastes are designed for long lasting results and even more concentrated scent dispersement.
*Both types of Scrape Addict are SOLD SEPARATELY.*
*Raised Scents are made of natural glandular oils from deer. Please check your state's regulations for laws of using natural lures.*