Make Your Mock Scrapes Real.
Raised Scents In Action

Why Are Raised Scents Different?
Raised Scents has been in the works since 2019. Trial and error has brought us to this very point. We are proud to share and educate fellow hunters on the power of Whitetail's Glandular Scents. With extensive research and experimenting we have developed the most pure form of a Whitetail's communication methods. Read more below about each scent, and our successes with them.
Using Raised Scents Properly
All of the Raised Scents can be used and are more effective being used in conjunction with one another.
For scrapes: Clear a 2' x 3' oval shaped area on the ground or find an already existing scrape. Break a limb down that is hanging above the ground around 4' high. Apply Scrape Addict, Scrape King, Scrape Queen, or Buck Junkie to the licking branch. 4-5 sprays is all you need because of the purity of our scents. This ensures you won't alarm your deer, and one bottle can last you 300 sprays or more. You can reapply every 2-4 weeks if you are not getting the reactions your looking for.
For Rubs: Using Buck Junkie Oil Or paste, find a tree that deer typically would hit for a rub. We recommend placing your own rub tree where you want it for much better results than an already existing tree. More specifically, we try to use Eastern White Pine limbs as rub posts. Simply cut a limb that is 6-8' in length and anywhere from 3-6" in diameter. Dig a hole in the ground about 2' deep to ensure it is secured and sturdy. Simply open the bark a little bit and drop some Buck Junkie Oil on the tree or use a stick to rub the paste on the tree. Then, you wait, sometimes they will start using it right away and other times it may take one buck to start using it until the rest do as well. Note: we typically put our rubs in early to mid September. We do that because in Iowa, that is when the velvet is starting to or is already shedded. You can also spray or use any of the other scents to enhance your rub tree!
Using LHD: LHD is the only scent we have that isn't geared towards scrapes or rub trees. Although you can use LHD on either one of those, our main purpose of it is to use walking in to your stand or to set up drag trails. With the spray, just cover your drag rag, sponge, or any device you want to use to apply the scent. If you are using it to walk in, just make sure to refresh your application device every 50-100 yards.
Common Questions
When to Use Raised Scents
Scrape King contains only one type of gland. The Pre-Orbital gland specifically from bucks. Although this is not a very dominant scent, it can be used effectively through the rut. We recommend using Scrape King in scrapes that have already been started or using it in conjunction with Scrape Addict to start a new scrape.
Scrape Queen is very similar to our Scrape King scent. The only difference is we make it with only doe Pre-Orbital glands. This is NOT a hot doe or estrus scent. Scrape Queen is a great scent to add to scrapes or rubs to show other deer and bucks that multiple deer have been in the area and are around. Use Scrape Queen in conjunction with Scrape Addict in the Summer all the way to Winter to start new scrapes or make it seem as though a new doe has been in the area.
Scrape Addict is our prized mock scrape scent. With a combination of 5 different glands from bucks and does, this shows other deer that there has been many new deer in the area and are using a scrape as a community scrape. This is the best scent to use early in the summer and into the hunting season especially when you are starting a brand new scrape.
Buck Junkie was designed specifically for the guys putting out rub posts and truly wanting to "put deer where you want them." It is a great scent to use when you are trying to funnel a deer into a specific area or be presented with a perfect shot opportunity. Read more on setting a rub post properly above. Buck Junkie can be used year around but is the most effective when applying to a new rub post or during the rut.
LHD is our improved version of estrus attractants. We have taken a doe in heat's urine, and blended it with glands from a doe in heat as well to provide the most realistic smell of a hot doe in the area. Use LHD in the early weeks of the Rut through the following later weeks of the Rut.
When it comes to setting a new mock scrape or rub post, it truly can come down to the goal you are seeking.
For Scrapes, we start a lot of our scrapes in late June to early July to ensure that the majority of deer in the area will start using it. This makes the scrape become a community scrape and is key for making a scrape that will be highly active throughout the hunting season.
For Rub Posts, we typically start setting rub posts in the middle of September. Here in Iowa, our deer are typically getting close to being completely shedded of their velvet which is when they will be starting to rub on trees. You can wait to put a rub post in depending on your location, but having it there when they start coming out of velvet will help them know it is there when they start to get a little more fired up.
You can absolutley use more than one scent on a rub or scrape. In fact, we highly recommend having at least two different scents on any scrape whenever you are applying scents. This will only make your scrape appear to be more active by other deer.
With rub posts specifically, we recommend using Buck Junkie Oil on it's own to start the rub post. If you are wanting to add another scent to it, Scrape King is a great additive. Otherwise, once the bucks start rubbing on it, you can use Buck Junkie Oil to refreshen it in conjunction with any of the other scents if preferred.
There are times when you may be using your scents frequently especially during the season. As long as you keep them inside when not in use during those periods, you'll be good. If you have some left over at the end of the season or got them early, keep them in the refrigerator.
Note: Avoid leaving scents in excessive heat or cold temperatures. Freezing them is not good nor are things like a vehicle in the sun.
For Scrape King, Scrape Queen and Scrape Addict: The sprays you can use 4-5 sprays on a licking branch. Just be careful not to use a significant amount more than that due to our scents being a very potent smell to the deer. The pastes, you can apply about a peanut size to a few different spots on a limb or leaves in the same scrape.
Buck Junkie Paste can be used similarly to the scents listed above. The Buck Junkie Oil, when using on a rub, you can put 3-4 different spots on the post that are about 2" long.
LHD can be applied to the amount you want. It is very difficult to use too much of the LHD and in some cases, having a decent amount in front of a tree stand/blind can actually help keep deer in the area more relaxed when they have been alerted to something.
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Raised Scents
Buck Junkie
Buck Junkie is a patent pending unique blend of salivary and forehead glands from a whitetail deer. New research has shown that deer use glandular scents to communicate more than any other method. Buck Junkie is a mixture of the two most commonly used communication glands among whitetails as well as the most dominant.
Buck Junkie is the purest form of the most unique glandular scent on the market. Great for use in many areas all year round but geared for the rut. Comes in a paste and oil. Check out the video below where we used Buck Junkie on a rub tree.

Premium Scent
Buck Junkie

Raised Scents
Buck Junkie
Buck Junkie
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States
Scrape Addict
Is a mock scrape lure with it's perfect blend of buck and doe glands and urines. This lure will attract both bucks and does in order to keep the scrape fresh for dominant bucks curious of the intruder and
hot does looking for a mate. We have designed Scrape Addict so you can create your own scrape, where you want it, and get your Whitetail's to use it consistantly and naturally.
Scrape Addict

Raised Scents
Scrape Addict
Scrape Addict
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States
Scrape King
Scrape King is a bucks pre-orbital gland lure. Pre-Orbital Gland is located next to the tear duct of the eye. Whitetail's use this gland to mark scrape branches to allow other deer to identify them and mark their area.
Using Scrape King on existing scrapes is a great way to raise interest in dominant bucks that are in the area. You can use this any time of the year, but late September through the rest of your season is primarily more commonly used.
Raised Scents
Scrape King

Raised Scents
Scrape King
Scrape King
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States
Scrape Queen
Scrape Queen is our same scent as Scrape King, just with a doe's pre-orbital scent instead. Using the Scrape Queen can let local bucks know there is a new doe and potential mate in the area.
Scrape King and Scrape Queen can be used very well together to make it smell like their is multiple new deer in the area.
Scrape Queen

Raised Scents
Scrape Queen
Scrape Queen
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States
Lonely Hot Doe
LHD a matrix of hot doe glands and urines collected during the peak of the rut (late October to early
November). Unlike any of the other Raised Scents, this one is primarily used with drag rags, boot pads, or simply spraying on limbs near your stand. You can use this in scrapes as well, but we have designed it for easy use to bring a buck on a trail directly to where you want your shot.

Raised Scents
Lonely Hot Doe
Lonely Hot Doe
Raised Hunting HQ
1221 E Buchanan St.
Winterset IA 50273
United States